2006-10-13 18:52:43 UTC
The Untold Truth, Every American & Citizen Of The World Must Read This!
This Will Answer Every Question You Never Knew About The Government,
Corruption, And The Power Of Money And Who Controls It And The U.S. Government!
(Forward This To Your Friends And Post It To Newsgroups And Blogs To Expose The Truth)
My Fellow Americans,
This is a 100% factual email all the statements and quotations are 100% accurate and verified this is not a conspiracy email or anything of the matter and is definitely not for profit. This is the most important email you will ever receive and change your life and forever. Please read this email in its entirety before clicking any of the links to completely understand the situation the United States and the World faces. The primary reason for this email is to expose to you the truth of this country including all the wars from WWI to Iraq and the entire financial system from the Stock Market to the Federal Reserve. You will only receive this information one time. Make sure you save it and share it with your neighbors and family so they can understand the real truth of the greatest nation in the world. This is what you never learned in school and was never supposed too. Because as Thomas Jefferson Said:
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks...will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. -Thomas Jefferson
First of all I will explain myself; I am not a Democrat or a Republican. Im an American with just as much patriotism and pride as the soldiers in Iraq right now. All my family has been in the military including myself and believed in this Nation and our people since before the civil war. But I feel it is my obligation to expose the real truth of America and the International Bankers with the motivation behind the Government and the Federal Reserve ever since Woodrow Wilson ( http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=153 ) had his election paid for by the Rothchilds ( http://www.robertmasters.co.uk/pdf_files/HeritageTheRothschilds.pdf#search="rothchilds sons" ) and Passed the Federal Reserve System in 1913 ( http://www.tysknews.com/Depts/Taxes/fed_banking_fraud.htm ) and they have remained in full control of the United States and Europe for almost 100 years until now. These are the few men that own the world, governments, Wall Street and control our daily lives for the one thing ever one wants, "Money".
The less money you have in society the more the demand is and with a small squeeze on the markets this is what caused The Great Depression and the recessions in Mexico and Japan for 12 years. Also we're all human beings; our primary goal in our genetic blueprint is to survive at whatever cost. And if money is our survival tool that is why so many people go to jail just trying to feed their starving children and the people who have money or a lot of credit cards are obese. So is it fair this tool be used to separate us all between rich and poor while wipping out the middle class? While some children are going to bed on a full stomach while others are watching their own children starve when you give them a kiss to go to sleep at night. Rich kids are not better than poor kids, children are children in gods eyes and they all want to be loved regardless of their environment or a good or bad parent. Rich parents just have less stress than poor parents which creates more opportunity for rich kids. Were all a product of our environment whether it is good or bad. This is just another division they have created in society to separate us.
Most states have now turned over prison systems to private corporations and they are running call centers, order taking, even small factories etc out of them, what does this do? It creates a circumstance where you have a lot of people in jail, the corporations make massive amounts of money for housing them and they are perceived to be bad people to society like they got what they deserved (true in some cases) while at the sametime we make a work force like China has and how it took away American Jobs using Slave Labor tactics. Dont get me wrong I am not promoting criminal activity in any way I am merely making a point, because now that you know the truth you can understand why violence is on the rise.
Let me ask you this a rich kid goes to Harvard then becomes a officer in the military and a lifer and a poor kid enlists right out of high school as a enlistee, will he / she ever have the same opportunity as the officer that went to college for four years then enlisted? He never will, period nor the benefits. Why do you think they call your house every single day and stalk your children down in high school, so they can get them enrolled and fighting a war before they even go to college and then you pray as their parent they do not come home in a body bag. Recruiters are like used car sales men they get a commission for every kid they recruit! Yes they do as long as they hop on the airplane to basic training ask you recruiter, see if they tell you the truth. I have seen mentally disabled kids come to boot camp who should have never got on the plane, but the recruiter made his commission anyways. Recruiters are given a commission and keep their mouth shut about it, and that they do because they are under contract and owned by the government once they join the military. Why do you think the Armed Forces spend hundreds of millions every year recruiting especially with Nascar and MTV? To get them young just like a child predator. It should be mandatory that they not make contact with any kid until the age of 21. A childs brain is not even fully developed until 18 to 21, that is why there are so many teen car accidents.
Why do they do this? Because the Government can, they are paid by the Federal Reserve and the World Banks to do so. Because if were not willing to fight there blood money wars, they would not make more money and create more debt for the country to pay the Federal Reserve more, and they get big political contributions for their campaigns like the Bush's did from Ken lay. Our government tells us everything is a conspiracy and everything is a lie unless they say it is true. They have mentally conditioned society over the years to believe it. This is psychological warfare they have on the American people. Using the same techniques as the marketing companies do using subliminal marketing tactics on your children during TV commercials, radio and even the Internet now, just like the big tobacco companies got away with for decades while killing 500,000 people a year. These are the same tactics they have used over the past 100 years to drain the heart, mind and soul out of the American people to make them submit. If 25 Million people can watch American Idol, why cant 25 million people protest and make a change? Do you have heart, mind and soul or are you a sheep on the Federal Reserve Ranch? Wake up America you wanted the truth here it is, what are you going to do about it?
Do you know why the 90% of people will retire broke and unable to afford to even live? Do you know why the odds are 5% now that any American family will ever own there house? Do you know why the middleclass is on the edge of being wiped out to poverty level? Do you know why the corporations are taking over the entire country and wiping out the small businessman / woman out everyday including farming and many other sectors? Do you know why so many diseases are killing many people and infecting them everyday and cancer kills 500,000 people a year? Do you know why you were only given a limited education and not a financial education in school even to this day? Do you know why the U.S. and Europe financed every war From WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam to the Present War in Iraq and made profits on every war that took place regardless of humanity or our soldiers lives? Do you know why stock brokers made the biggest commissions ever last year while investors lost Billions of dollars? Do you know who owns all the Media outlets CNN, AOL, NY Times and all the major papers and why all the information youre told is limited? Do you know why the U.S confiscated all the gold from the people at $20 per ounce and then banned it, then raised the price to $35 an ounce months later? Do you know why 9/11 was planned by our own government(1 hour 40 minute Documentary they refused to show on T.V.); ( http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7866929448192753501&hl=en ) they killed 3,000 people to control 300 Million and invaded Iraq for its oil, gold and money just like Hitler did in WWII to finance his war, and to pay his debt back to the U.S. and England for financing WWII.
The answer is No for many Americans, well here are your answers and everything they never wanted you to know. If youre a real American and demand to know the truth take the time to review All this information and send this email to your friends and family and call your congressman or congresswoman ( http://clerk.house.gov/members/mcapdir.html ) and even your senators ( http://www.senate.gov/senators/index.cfm ) and governors ( http://www.statelocalgov.net/ ) and tell them how you feel and how you want America back in the hands of the people instead of the International Bankers ( http://www.seanscreenplays.com/BeteNoireCD/Articles1/HIDDEN POWER.htm ) and Corporations. If you ever in your life wanted to show patriotism like the soldiers in Iraq are now, demand an end to this money / oil war. Bring our troops home and take control over our government, read this entire email, then check out the links then pickup your phone and call your local officials or form a group and protest, hell if millions of Mexican / Americans can do it why cant we they should even join us they are Americans too we all are! If you want to show support for the troops or you care about this country at all you will. Because if you dont the Bilderbergs ( http://www.bilderberg.org ), Corporations, and the Rothchilds will control you and your children and your grandchildren to come like they have for the past 100 years!
To understand the full History of Money and Private Central Bank Ownership by Freemason/Zionists Mafia ( http://nesara.insights2.org/Fed.html ) and how it was planned you have to go back to early Europe. It started with Mayer Amschel Rothschild He had five sons and they developed banking and he sent them too: Frankfurt, London, Naples, Paris and Vienna. These men developed the entire banking system and control it along with 90% of the U.S. real estate and the entire U.S. Currency today. The Federal Reserve ( http://www.wtv-zone.com/Mary/FEDERALRESERVE.HTML ) is not owned by the U.S. Government and never was. It is a private corporation which only the Chairman is appointed by the U.S. President but the Chairman today still takes orders from Central Bankers in Europe developed by the Rothchilds almost 200 years ago and is still in effect today. They determine inflation, deflation and was even the cause of the Great Depression to collapse the economy along with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, John Booth confessed he was a hired mercenary for the Rothchilds because Lincoln did not want the Federal Reserve in control of the people of the United States and its monetary system just like Andrew Jackson. Jackson was known for killing the banks.
They assassinated Kennedy, Garfield, Lincoln, and McKinley ( http://www.uhuh.com/action/timeline/timeline6.htm ) because everyone of these Presidents wanted to remove the Federal Reserve from the power and control they have on the United States and its currency. This is why they had to pay off Wilson to pass the Federal Reserve System to give them control in 1913 because it failed to pass in congress 2 years earlier. In 1993 James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House On The Fraud of the Federal Reserve. ( http://nesara.insights2.org/MH4.html )
J.P. Morgan ( http://www.converge.org.nz/pirm/elite.htm ) the founder of J.P Morgan Chase Banks which has several scandals including Australia ( http://sunday.ninemsn.com.au/sunday/feature_stories/transcript_1572.asp ) and Enron Fraud Case ( http://www.sec.gov/news/press/2003-87.htm ), J.D. Rockefeller ( http://www.mega.nu/ampp/rockroth.html ) and the New World Order ( http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/rockefeller.1.html ) were nothing more than extended arms of the Rothchilds here in the United States to take power and control over the money, government and the people. The 2006 Financial Awards ( http://www.efinancialnews.com/awards/ib2006/awards.htm ) notice the names at the bottom of the page on the left side UK M&A house of the year; French M&A house of the year; and Italian M&A house of the year. Amazing 3 of the 5 countries are Rothschilds where he sent his sons too over 1 century ago and they still have power and control and finance wars today. These are the Brotherhoods ( http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/brotherhoodpart1.shtml ) that control everything we do today still and suppress information ( http://www.mega.nu/ampp/ ) in the media. Just like George W. Bush was Tapped at The Skull and Bones at Yale University ( http://www.bilderberg.org/skulbone.htm ) going back to his great grandfather have been in this secret society.
Enough for history now, there is enough information above to show you the truth you were never taught in school. Because of this, the United States is in a major crisis today. These few men are still dominate in the United States and Europe today and there bloodlines still live on.
The Stock Market Scam: When big companies Like AmeriTrade, Schwab, Scottrade all of these companies when they get to buy at Pre-IPO prices like Google they bought millions of shares for $95 per share and as soon as it opened for trading to the public they took it sky high and that is why google is over $400 today, so who is making money? They bought it for $95 and are making over 300% return today because whenever you buy they are selling it to you just like the pump and dump with Enron, remember that? It is all a joke and a scam to rip of the hard working American public. I asked a broker at Schwab its amazing the lack of financial knowledge people have to fall pray to such scams and he said If everyone had a financial education the system would not work, because everyone would know the truth. I was amazed he said that to me, then 2 days later I closed all my accounts. Also be sure to check out the entire Eron and Bush scandal that led up to 9/11 and what really happened, and how the central banks and financial institutions made Billions! ( http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/enron.html )
The number one rule in war is to divide and conquer and this is exactly what has happened in America for over 100 years. It doesnt matter if youre White, Black, Hispanic, Chinese or any other color. Were all Americans, period. These divisions of society with race, creed, color and religion are the exact things that have divided us from each other for the past 100 years. This is the primary reason MLK was killed because the Money Changers ( http://www.themoneymasters.com ) (International Bankers) want division so they can control everyone of us. So let me ask you who are the real terrorists here, is it the Muslims (Fake Terrorists) ( http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/fakealqaeda.html )or the Private Financial Institutions and the Federal Reserve who profit from war, by financing both sides of a war like in every war to date since WWI. If the terrorists want to attack someone they should not attack the common people go after the Central Banks in Europe (IMF and BIS) and crooked Politicians and the Federal Reserves not the common man who has no control. The World is suppressed to the power that be with these few men. The majority of Americans just dont know it.
As Americans we are imprinted at birth to have pride and to stand up, defend our country, our families and be willing to die at any cost to protect it. But all we are fighting for is for the bankers to make more money. Why do you think we invaded Iraq and not North Korea instead? Bottom line is we invaded Iraq to control the 2nd largest oil field in the world ( http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/06/30/1514255 )and seize all their US Currency and Euros and Gold which we did the very first few days we went in, where is it all at now, has it been audited? The Bankers and Financial Markets would steal Billions, ( http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,1407964,00.html ) and that is what they did. Just like they have done to every American since 1913 and is why the primary reason the Central Banks own 90% of U.S. Real Estate these are the banks that fund your home loan and also fund Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because they sell the loans to Central Banks on the Secondary Mortgage Market after they are funded. We are talking about your home which you live in and do not even own and probably never will. The system was designed to fail so they could rob the American Public from all there currency and slave an entire society which they have done successfully, until now.
Declaration of Independence: ( http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/index.htm )
Quote: But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Which means: If there is something wrong those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action! Do you have the ability? What are you willing to do to take control over your country? If you have the ability to pickup the phone call your congressman or congresswoman ( http://clerk.house.gov/members/mcapdir.html ) and even your senators ( http://www.senate.gov/senators/index.cfm ) and governors ( http://www.statelocalgov.net/ ) and tell them you demand a change and to abolish the Federal Reserve System and take control back of our Monetary System like Andrew Jackson said We must kill the Banks. He Also said:
"The bold efforts that the present bank has made to control the government and the distress it has wantonly caused, are but premonitions of the fate which awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it...If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system there would be a revolution before morning.
"You are a den of vipers and thieves and I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out."
President Andrew Jackson
FDA: Known to large drug companies as the "Fraud and Drug Administration" ( http://usa.mediamonitors.net/content/view/full/27667 ).
Did you know FDA employees ( http://www.nlarx.org/badpharma/lobbying.html ) end up working for the pharmaceutical companies after they get paid to approve the drugs so they can make Billions bringing them to the market place? And they suppress new cures that are released from the (HIS) Health Sciences Institute ( http://www.isecureonline.com/Reports/HSI/W600GA26/ ) with over 90,000 doctors worldwide. Also doctors are caught in a major medical fraud ( http://www.newstarget.com/001298.html ) with the FDA. The best thing to do is ask your pharmacist which medications is best for you, they know more about the drugs then the doctors do! Doctors prescribe 50 Million unneeded medications per year, because they get a kickback every year for how many prescriptions they write out from the drug companies. This is why America has more people on drugs than any other nation in the world.
400 Troops Flee To Canada Because They Do Not Believe In The War In Iraq
( http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,,1740987,00.html )
Dick Cheney Scam:
Iraq war and "reconstruction" contracts helped Halliburton to turn a profit in the first quarter of this year, after the company suffered a loss of US$65 million in the first quarter of last year after paying out $4.2 billion in asbestos lawsuit settlements.
Until 2000, Halliburton was headed by US Vice-President Dick Cheney. On April 15, Cheney released his 2004 tax return.
It showed that he received $194,852 in deferred payments from Halliburton, only slightly less than the $203,000 he earned as vice-president. On April 21, Halliburton reported a net profit of $365 million. Cheney's Halliburton Stock Options Rise 3,281% ( http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=118&contentid=2857 ) Did yours? Also one of Halliburton's sister companies is in the Cayman Islands and made sales to Iran, we are doing business with our "enemy" when it is all about money.
( http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/01/22/60minutes/main595214.shtml )
If you have money in the bank go and cash it out, if you have stocks sell them and cash them out. If you want to invest the only true form of safe investing without political or the bankers control, get Silver or Gold Bullion ( http://www.kitco.com ) Coins non-graded at spot price. Gold has been around 8,000 years and will be around longer than the worthless US Dollar that is not backed by anything besides the word of a few powerful men, and a mislead society to believe in it. This is how The Bankers Control Your Money and Even Wall Street: Fractional banking or fractional lending is the ability to create money from ( http://www.tysknews.com/Depts/Taxes/fed_banking_fraud.htm ) nothing." The key is finding the suppressed information ( http://www.mega.nu/ampp/ ) the government does not want you to know about and Political Scandals ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_scandals_of_the_United_States ).
Israeli Spying: The Mother of all Scandals
( http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/motherofallscandals.html )
The Solution:
The key is to be Active and demand a change, get educated as much as possible and to spread awareness, teach your children what it means to be a real American and how the system works and to be active and not passive in their lives as an American.
A child miseducated is a child lost.
John F. Kennedy
Demand lower taxes, better paying jobs and stop exporting all of our jobs overseas selling America out to the highest bidder. Encourage a trusted friend, family member or even yourself to run for an elected office, America needs honest people not crooks in order to make freedom a reality instead of an illusion. We must get corruption out in all levels of government from Local to Federal. Demand the special interest and lobbyist groups be removed with their money and influence from Washington. The 2004 presidential campaign was the first $1 billion-plus campaign ( http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6407226/site/newsweek/ ) (up from roughly $600 million in 2000). Now ask yourself with 1 Billion dollars all the good that could be done with that money for the people. Why do they need to spend so much for a $300,000 a year job? It is the kickbacks and corruption from the Bankers to cause wars so they can finance them and profit and in return they make Billions or Trillions more. Its truly an American tragedy what everything has come too. The only hope is You! Every American, We Must Kill the Banks and restore power to the people of this great nation. Bring our troops how and have Bush put on trial for war crimes against humanity, fraud and terrorist acts on the American People with his role in 9/11. We are the largest consuming society and vastly becoming the least educated. This is the way they want it, that is why the education system has not changed since the Industrial revolution. So teach your children have them teach other children. Inform your family, neighbors and friends. Hell if you have to take a stand as an American and get a permit in front of a Local Government Building or the Federal Reserve and protest, or have they done their job so well to kill the hearts and minds of every American in this country? Are you and your family just a worthless lab rat to the Banks and Politicians? Have some heart and some American Pride and get on your feet soldier and take charge and do it today, right now. Freedom is never free and will be gone very fast especially if the Republicans regain control of the house in November. Bush has been quoted saying: I will not stop this war for nothing even if only my wife and my dog support me Do you understand we are seriously on the verge of WWIII here and a draft will take place to take your children into a worthless war only to be fought for money, its already currently underway. Bush must be impeached and stopped immediately to protect American values and the children of the future! The ball is in your court I am taking action now, that is why youre reading this message. Do you have the ability to do so as well? How much do you love your family and friends? How much do you love this Nation? Do you want your children to have a better future than you and to be proud when they stand up with their back straight and put their hand over their heart and sing the Star Spangled Banner ( http://americanhistory.si.edu/ssb/2_home/fs2.html ) or The Pledge of Allegiance ( http://history.vineyard.net/pledge.htm )?
Take the responsibility and call your politicians you voted for and demand a change today! Let Old Glory Fly With Pride before we become the United Corporation Of America owned by the bankers who own the corporations and the stock markets and your home right now. Call your Congressman or Congresswoman ( http://clerk.house.gov/members/mcapdir.html ) and even your Senator ( http://www.senate.gov/senators/index.cfm ) and Governor ( http://www.statelocalgov.net/ ) and tell them how you feel now! What is the price of a phone call? Is it worth the price to protect your freedom and not wake up on the street homeless and have your home foreclosed on by the bankers ( http://www.bizjournals.com/losangeles/stories/2006/10/09/daily24.html?from_rss=1 )?
With A Monetary Reform Act We Could Pay The National Deficit in 5 years ( http://www.monetary.org/need_for_monetary_reform.html ) and Taxes would actually be lower for once in history. Americans would not have to work until we are 70 or 80 and be able to retire securely instead of with nothing and no benefits. President Lincoln had the correct idea along time ago with the Green Back Currency ( http://www.lewrockwell.com/dilorenzo/dilorenzo30.html ) , we would print and be in control of our own money and would not have to pay massive interest rates to the Federal Reserve which is controlled by the European Central Banks today. And it would not be a Note by the Private Federal Reserve ( http://www.monetary.org/federalreserveprivate.htm ) it would be a functioning currency with no interest since we own our own money. Also to have every Branch of the Federal Government audited just like they do tax payers every year. This alone would kill our national debt ( http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/ ) and remove worthless spending and set your family and every family in America free from the Banks. Imagine a country with no hungry children going to sleep at night or even homeless families and every American would have healthcare and we would not fight worthless wars and be able to retire securely. Do you ever think why half of the world is starving and the other half is obese? This central banks control 80% of the world economy this problem goes far beyond America but at least we can get the Banker Terrorists out of here. It sounds so easy why wont they do it? Its really this easy and could happen without no disruption to society. Also in the Reform Act do not let them back the new currency with gold again because the US has No Gold reserves anymore! All the gold confiscated in 1932 has been sold back to the European Banks that is why there has never been an audit on it, because it is no longer here. That is right Fort Knox is empty, it is only a myth now! So when they issue a new currency like Green Backs, were taking the power away from the banks. If the new currency was not backed by gold the people would have the power, not the banks or financial institutions. And We The People Would Make President Lincoln and Jackson very proud and we can say We Killed The Banks like Jackson did for almost 75 years. And our forefathers would stop rolling in there grave and finally smile for once.
Take a minute and think how you felt on 9/11 the Pride and the Spirit and the sorrow for all of the innocent people killed. Think of the relatives and loved ones who are or was in the military and even died throughout history. They put their life on the line so we can enjoy our freedom and they do it with pride without hesitation. Now is it fair to have a corrupt government and banking system using the people of a great nation to fight there money wars and have our children and relatives die for them to gain more money? While the grieving families and children of our fallen suffer and are the victims of deception by our own Government and the Federal Reserve? How does it make you feel? Think of all the wars we have fought over the past 100 years and all the men laying on the battle field dead and coming home in body bags. It makes you want to put every corrupt politician and banker in one as well. Our guardian has not protected us for 100 years now we have only been slaves, its time to Unite As One, And Take A God Damn Stand. Then we can put on the new Green Back (new dollar bill with no debt attached to it) We Took A Stand As One instead of Federal Reserve Note which is only a debt to the Private Banks Anyways. The Federal Reserve, which is owned by the International Monetary Fund IMF ( http://www.imf.org ) and has branches such as Bank for International Settlements (BIS) ( http://www.bis.org ) and several others, these are the people that control All of the worlds money, gold and give telephone orders to the Federal Reserve. Theyre also know as the International Bankers Cartel ( http://www.savethemales.ca/260602.html ) now you know "Who Runs America" ( http://www.barefootsworld.net/usfraud.html ) and enslaves the enite world to it's command. The IMF tries to strike back with slick talking lobbyist group ( http://www.sunsonline.org/trade/process/followup/1999/09200499.htm ). Senator Richard Lugar, Says $100 Billion Has Been Lost To The World Bank which is part of the IMF ( http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/scandals/centralbanks.html )! And many other World Wide Financial Scandals ( http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/scandals/ ).
Now that you have the truth, what are you going to do about it?
Pickup your phone and start calling, and do your duty, and give
justice to all the great men and women who have died for
this country thoughout history!
So pick up your phone and Call your Congressman or Congresswoman ( http://clerk.house.gov/members/mcapdir.html ) even your Senator ( http://www.senate.gov/senators/index.cfm ) and Governor ( http://www.statelocalgov.net/ ) and tell them ALL how you feel now and demand to Impeach Bush, Bring Our Troops Home Immediately and A New Monetary Reform Bill Be Drafted Immediately! We are all Americans, and if you dont use your Rights now, you and your children may have No Rights 10 Years from now.
Voting for a Republic or a Democrat is like a chicken voting for KFC. You must Vote Democrats and get the Republicans out of Congress in November! Otherwise, we will have WWIII by Jan or Feb of 2007. Think about it, why has gas gone done in the past weeks? Because it is another deceptive scheme to make it look like Bush is working hard so you will vote for the Republicans again, dont fall for this scam again enough is enough. George and Dick have to both be impeached effective immediately.
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Impeach George W. Bush ( http://www.impeachbush.tv/action.html ), Dick Cheney ( http://www.impeachbush.tv/faq.html#cheney ), Lobbyist Groups ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4581298.stm ) , and Special Interest Groups ( http://www.consumerfed.org/ ) and The Federal Reserve along with Wall Street. 38 US Reps Support Impeach Bush ( http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=39&contentid=3906 ) Resolution. Contact This Group To Support The Impeachment ( http://www.impeachbush.tv/contact.html ). Look at these Presidential Quotes. ( http://www.themoneymasters.com/presiden.htm )Also if you know of any Corporate or Political Corruption, use this Tip Line and Expose The Truth ( http://www.citizensforethics.org/contact/tipline.php ). Latest Washington Corruption ( http://www.citizensforethics.org/activities/index.php ) . And to find the best Watch Dog Groups including http://www.porkbusters.org search on Yahoo or Google for (Your State) or Washington Watch Dog Groups. To see whats really happening in Washington everyday, check out http://thehill.com and even post a blog on how you feel. And the biggest thing you can do is Register To Vote and Vote all of these crooks out of office ( http://www.rockthevote.com/rtv_register.php?ms=RTV_index ) . Even if you never voted in your life register to do so now and make sure the Republicans do not retain congress after November because if they do be ready for WWIII and kiss your children goodbye. But remember public enemy number one is The Federal Reserve, it would be nice to protest the Federal Reserve Systems at all there locations ( http://www.federalreservebanks.org ) and the World Banks which give the orders.
You can take this message and forward it to everyone you know or even have contact with, IM all your buddies, post it on all the Blogs ( http://www.blogger.com ) you can or even do a Press Release ( http://www.prnews.com ) with it. Even call your local TV or Radio Station and make people aware demand it be exposed! Exposure is the only way to demand the truth and remove the corruption in politics and banking systems of the United States of America and the World. Do it today because as youre reading this message there is a 18 or 19 year old kid being put in a body bag to go home to his / her family today. So do it for the soldiers standing and may god bless the fallen and their loved ones. And may the corrupt politicians and bankers burn in hell for all the tragedy and hardships they have put on the American people and the World over the past 100 years.
The path we have chosen for the present is full of hazards, as all paths are. The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.
John F. Kennedy
( http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/john_f_kennedy.html )
U.S. Navy
Retired Rear Admiral
S. Richardson
P.S. If you're a skeptic or do not believe this could be true, take what you have here and do your own research. Then you will be a believer. Remember what you see on T.V. or read in the paper is only a fraction of the truth. Use more credible sources such as "The Best" Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk then BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk Washington Globe: http://www.washingtonglobe.com World News: http://www.wn.com and not rely on falsified television news and print media ( http://www.editorsweblog.org/print_newspapers/2005/06/us_media_frowns_on_anonymous_sources.php ) . It is a big world and the truth is out there and this is only the beginning.
Watch The Documented Truth On 9/11(1 Hour 40 Min - Live Video Stream)
The death toll in Iraq following the US-led invasion has topped 655,000
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This Will Answer Every Question You Never Knew About The Government,
Corruption, And The Power Of Money And Who Controls It And The U.S. Government!
(Forward This To Your Friends And Post It To Newsgroups And Blogs To Expose The Truth)
My Fellow Americans,
This is a 100% factual email all the statements and quotations are 100% accurate and verified this is not a conspiracy email or anything of the matter and is definitely not for profit. This is the most important email you will ever receive and change your life and forever. Please read this email in its entirety before clicking any of the links to completely understand the situation the United States and the World faces. The primary reason for this email is to expose to you the truth of this country including all the wars from WWI to Iraq and the entire financial system from the Stock Market to the Federal Reserve. You will only receive this information one time. Make sure you save it and share it with your neighbors and family so they can understand the real truth of the greatest nation in the world. This is what you never learned in school and was never supposed too. Because as Thomas Jefferson Said:
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks...will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. -Thomas Jefferson
First of all I will explain myself; I am not a Democrat or a Republican. Im an American with just as much patriotism and pride as the soldiers in Iraq right now. All my family has been in the military including myself and believed in this Nation and our people since before the civil war. But I feel it is my obligation to expose the real truth of America and the International Bankers with the motivation behind the Government and the Federal Reserve ever since Woodrow Wilson ( http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=153 ) had his election paid for by the Rothchilds ( http://www.robertmasters.co.uk/pdf_files/HeritageTheRothschilds.pdf#search="rothchilds sons" ) and Passed the Federal Reserve System in 1913 ( http://www.tysknews.com/Depts/Taxes/fed_banking_fraud.htm ) and they have remained in full control of the United States and Europe for almost 100 years until now. These are the few men that own the world, governments, Wall Street and control our daily lives for the one thing ever one wants, "Money".
The less money you have in society the more the demand is and with a small squeeze on the markets this is what caused The Great Depression and the recessions in Mexico and Japan for 12 years. Also we're all human beings; our primary goal in our genetic blueprint is to survive at whatever cost. And if money is our survival tool that is why so many people go to jail just trying to feed their starving children and the people who have money or a lot of credit cards are obese. So is it fair this tool be used to separate us all between rich and poor while wipping out the middle class? While some children are going to bed on a full stomach while others are watching their own children starve when you give them a kiss to go to sleep at night. Rich kids are not better than poor kids, children are children in gods eyes and they all want to be loved regardless of their environment or a good or bad parent. Rich parents just have less stress than poor parents which creates more opportunity for rich kids. Were all a product of our environment whether it is good or bad. This is just another division they have created in society to separate us.
Most states have now turned over prison systems to private corporations and they are running call centers, order taking, even small factories etc out of them, what does this do? It creates a circumstance where you have a lot of people in jail, the corporations make massive amounts of money for housing them and they are perceived to be bad people to society like they got what they deserved (true in some cases) while at the sametime we make a work force like China has and how it took away American Jobs using Slave Labor tactics. Dont get me wrong I am not promoting criminal activity in any way I am merely making a point, because now that you know the truth you can understand why violence is on the rise.
Let me ask you this a rich kid goes to Harvard then becomes a officer in the military and a lifer and a poor kid enlists right out of high school as a enlistee, will he / she ever have the same opportunity as the officer that went to college for four years then enlisted? He never will, period nor the benefits. Why do you think they call your house every single day and stalk your children down in high school, so they can get them enrolled and fighting a war before they even go to college and then you pray as their parent they do not come home in a body bag. Recruiters are like used car sales men they get a commission for every kid they recruit! Yes they do as long as they hop on the airplane to basic training ask you recruiter, see if they tell you the truth. I have seen mentally disabled kids come to boot camp who should have never got on the plane, but the recruiter made his commission anyways. Recruiters are given a commission and keep their mouth shut about it, and that they do because they are under contract and owned by the government once they join the military. Why do you think the Armed Forces spend hundreds of millions every year recruiting especially with Nascar and MTV? To get them young just like a child predator. It should be mandatory that they not make contact with any kid until the age of 21. A childs brain is not even fully developed until 18 to 21, that is why there are so many teen car accidents.
Why do they do this? Because the Government can, they are paid by the Federal Reserve and the World Banks to do so. Because if were not willing to fight there blood money wars, they would not make more money and create more debt for the country to pay the Federal Reserve more, and they get big political contributions for their campaigns like the Bush's did from Ken lay. Our government tells us everything is a conspiracy and everything is a lie unless they say it is true. They have mentally conditioned society over the years to believe it. This is psychological warfare they have on the American people. Using the same techniques as the marketing companies do using subliminal marketing tactics on your children during TV commercials, radio and even the Internet now, just like the big tobacco companies got away with for decades while killing 500,000 people a year. These are the same tactics they have used over the past 100 years to drain the heart, mind and soul out of the American people to make them submit. If 25 Million people can watch American Idol, why cant 25 million people protest and make a change? Do you have heart, mind and soul or are you a sheep on the Federal Reserve Ranch? Wake up America you wanted the truth here it is, what are you going to do about it?
Do you know why the 90% of people will retire broke and unable to afford to even live? Do you know why the odds are 5% now that any American family will ever own there house? Do you know why the middleclass is on the edge of being wiped out to poverty level? Do you know why the corporations are taking over the entire country and wiping out the small businessman / woman out everyday including farming and many other sectors? Do you know why so many diseases are killing many people and infecting them everyday and cancer kills 500,000 people a year? Do you know why you were only given a limited education and not a financial education in school even to this day? Do you know why the U.S. and Europe financed every war From WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam to the Present War in Iraq and made profits on every war that took place regardless of humanity or our soldiers lives? Do you know why stock brokers made the biggest commissions ever last year while investors lost Billions of dollars? Do you know who owns all the Media outlets CNN, AOL, NY Times and all the major papers and why all the information youre told is limited? Do you know why the U.S confiscated all the gold from the people at $20 per ounce and then banned it, then raised the price to $35 an ounce months later? Do you know why 9/11 was planned by our own government(1 hour 40 minute Documentary they refused to show on T.V.); ( http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7866929448192753501&hl=en ) they killed 3,000 people to control 300 Million and invaded Iraq for its oil, gold and money just like Hitler did in WWII to finance his war, and to pay his debt back to the U.S. and England for financing WWII.
The answer is No for many Americans, well here are your answers and everything they never wanted you to know. If youre a real American and demand to know the truth take the time to review All this information and send this email to your friends and family and call your congressman or congresswoman ( http://clerk.house.gov/members/mcapdir.html ) and even your senators ( http://www.senate.gov/senators/index.cfm ) and governors ( http://www.statelocalgov.net/ ) and tell them how you feel and how you want America back in the hands of the people instead of the International Bankers ( http://www.seanscreenplays.com/BeteNoireCD/Articles1/HIDDEN POWER.htm ) and Corporations. If you ever in your life wanted to show patriotism like the soldiers in Iraq are now, demand an end to this money / oil war. Bring our troops home and take control over our government, read this entire email, then check out the links then pickup your phone and call your local officials or form a group and protest, hell if millions of Mexican / Americans can do it why cant we they should even join us they are Americans too we all are! If you want to show support for the troops or you care about this country at all you will. Because if you dont the Bilderbergs ( http://www.bilderberg.org ), Corporations, and the Rothchilds will control you and your children and your grandchildren to come like they have for the past 100 years!
To understand the full History of Money and Private Central Bank Ownership by Freemason/Zionists Mafia ( http://nesara.insights2.org/Fed.html ) and how it was planned you have to go back to early Europe. It started with Mayer Amschel Rothschild He had five sons and they developed banking and he sent them too: Frankfurt, London, Naples, Paris and Vienna. These men developed the entire banking system and control it along with 90% of the U.S. real estate and the entire U.S. Currency today. The Federal Reserve ( http://www.wtv-zone.com/Mary/FEDERALRESERVE.HTML ) is not owned by the U.S. Government and never was. It is a private corporation which only the Chairman is appointed by the U.S. President but the Chairman today still takes orders from Central Bankers in Europe developed by the Rothchilds almost 200 years ago and is still in effect today. They determine inflation, deflation and was even the cause of the Great Depression to collapse the economy along with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, John Booth confessed he was a hired mercenary for the Rothchilds because Lincoln did not want the Federal Reserve in control of the people of the United States and its monetary system just like Andrew Jackson. Jackson was known for killing the banks.
They assassinated Kennedy, Garfield, Lincoln, and McKinley ( http://www.uhuh.com/action/timeline/timeline6.htm ) because everyone of these Presidents wanted to remove the Federal Reserve from the power and control they have on the United States and its currency. This is why they had to pay off Wilson to pass the Federal Reserve System to give them control in 1913 because it failed to pass in congress 2 years earlier. In 1993 James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House On The Fraud of the Federal Reserve. ( http://nesara.insights2.org/MH4.html )
J.P. Morgan ( http://www.converge.org.nz/pirm/elite.htm ) the founder of J.P Morgan Chase Banks which has several scandals including Australia ( http://sunday.ninemsn.com.au/sunday/feature_stories/transcript_1572.asp ) and Enron Fraud Case ( http://www.sec.gov/news/press/2003-87.htm ), J.D. Rockefeller ( http://www.mega.nu/ampp/rockroth.html ) and the New World Order ( http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/rockefeller.1.html ) were nothing more than extended arms of the Rothchilds here in the United States to take power and control over the money, government and the people. The 2006 Financial Awards ( http://www.efinancialnews.com/awards/ib2006/awards.htm ) notice the names at the bottom of the page on the left side UK M&A house of the year; French M&A house of the year; and Italian M&A house of the year. Amazing 3 of the 5 countries are Rothschilds where he sent his sons too over 1 century ago and they still have power and control and finance wars today. These are the Brotherhoods ( http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/brotherhoodpart1.shtml ) that control everything we do today still and suppress information ( http://www.mega.nu/ampp/ ) in the media. Just like George W. Bush was Tapped at The Skull and Bones at Yale University ( http://www.bilderberg.org/skulbone.htm ) going back to his great grandfather have been in this secret society.
Enough for history now, there is enough information above to show you the truth you were never taught in school. Because of this, the United States is in a major crisis today. These few men are still dominate in the United States and Europe today and there bloodlines still live on.
The Stock Market Scam: When big companies Like AmeriTrade, Schwab, Scottrade all of these companies when they get to buy at Pre-IPO prices like Google they bought millions of shares for $95 per share and as soon as it opened for trading to the public they took it sky high and that is why google is over $400 today, so who is making money? They bought it for $95 and are making over 300% return today because whenever you buy they are selling it to you just like the pump and dump with Enron, remember that? It is all a joke and a scam to rip of the hard working American public. I asked a broker at Schwab its amazing the lack of financial knowledge people have to fall pray to such scams and he said If everyone had a financial education the system would not work, because everyone would know the truth. I was amazed he said that to me, then 2 days later I closed all my accounts. Also be sure to check out the entire Eron and Bush scandal that led up to 9/11 and what really happened, and how the central banks and financial institutions made Billions! ( http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/enron.html )
The number one rule in war is to divide and conquer and this is exactly what has happened in America for over 100 years. It doesnt matter if youre White, Black, Hispanic, Chinese or any other color. Were all Americans, period. These divisions of society with race, creed, color and religion are the exact things that have divided us from each other for the past 100 years. This is the primary reason MLK was killed because the Money Changers ( http://www.themoneymasters.com ) (International Bankers) want division so they can control everyone of us. So let me ask you who are the real terrorists here, is it the Muslims (Fake Terrorists) ( http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/fakealqaeda.html )or the Private Financial Institutions and the Federal Reserve who profit from war, by financing both sides of a war like in every war to date since WWI. If the terrorists want to attack someone they should not attack the common people go after the Central Banks in Europe (IMF and BIS) and crooked Politicians and the Federal Reserves not the common man who has no control. The World is suppressed to the power that be with these few men. The majority of Americans just dont know it.
As Americans we are imprinted at birth to have pride and to stand up, defend our country, our families and be willing to die at any cost to protect it. But all we are fighting for is for the bankers to make more money. Why do you think we invaded Iraq and not North Korea instead? Bottom line is we invaded Iraq to control the 2nd largest oil field in the world ( http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/06/30/1514255 )and seize all their US Currency and Euros and Gold which we did the very first few days we went in, where is it all at now, has it been audited? The Bankers and Financial Markets would steal Billions, ( http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,1407964,00.html ) and that is what they did. Just like they have done to every American since 1913 and is why the primary reason the Central Banks own 90% of U.S. Real Estate these are the banks that fund your home loan and also fund Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because they sell the loans to Central Banks on the Secondary Mortgage Market after they are funded. We are talking about your home which you live in and do not even own and probably never will. The system was designed to fail so they could rob the American Public from all there currency and slave an entire society which they have done successfully, until now.
Declaration of Independence: ( http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/index.htm )
Quote: But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Which means: If there is something wrong those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action! Do you have the ability? What are you willing to do to take control over your country? If you have the ability to pickup the phone call your congressman or congresswoman ( http://clerk.house.gov/members/mcapdir.html ) and even your senators ( http://www.senate.gov/senators/index.cfm ) and governors ( http://www.statelocalgov.net/ ) and tell them you demand a change and to abolish the Federal Reserve System and take control back of our Monetary System like Andrew Jackson said We must kill the Banks. He Also said:
"The bold efforts that the present bank has made to control the government and the distress it has wantonly caused, are but premonitions of the fate which awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it...If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system there would be a revolution before morning.
"You are a den of vipers and thieves and I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out."
President Andrew Jackson
FDA: Known to large drug companies as the "Fraud and Drug Administration" ( http://usa.mediamonitors.net/content/view/full/27667 ).
Did you know FDA employees ( http://www.nlarx.org/badpharma/lobbying.html ) end up working for the pharmaceutical companies after they get paid to approve the drugs so they can make Billions bringing them to the market place? And they suppress new cures that are released from the (HIS) Health Sciences Institute ( http://www.isecureonline.com/Reports/HSI/W600GA26/ ) with over 90,000 doctors worldwide. Also doctors are caught in a major medical fraud ( http://www.newstarget.com/001298.html ) with the FDA. The best thing to do is ask your pharmacist which medications is best for you, they know more about the drugs then the doctors do! Doctors prescribe 50 Million unneeded medications per year, because they get a kickback every year for how many prescriptions they write out from the drug companies. This is why America has more people on drugs than any other nation in the world.
400 Troops Flee To Canada Because They Do Not Believe In The War In Iraq
( http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,,1740987,00.html )
Dick Cheney Scam:
Iraq war and "reconstruction" contracts helped Halliburton to turn a profit in the first quarter of this year, after the company suffered a loss of US$65 million in the first quarter of last year after paying out $4.2 billion in asbestos lawsuit settlements.
Until 2000, Halliburton was headed by US Vice-President Dick Cheney. On April 15, Cheney released his 2004 tax return.
It showed that he received $194,852 in deferred payments from Halliburton, only slightly less than the $203,000 he earned as vice-president. On April 21, Halliburton reported a net profit of $365 million. Cheney's Halliburton Stock Options Rise 3,281% ( http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=118&contentid=2857 ) Did yours? Also one of Halliburton's sister companies is in the Cayman Islands and made sales to Iran, we are doing business with our "enemy" when it is all about money.
( http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/01/22/60minutes/main595214.shtml )
If you have money in the bank go and cash it out, if you have stocks sell them and cash them out. If you want to invest the only true form of safe investing without political or the bankers control, get Silver or Gold Bullion ( http://www.kitco.com ) Coins non-graded at spot price. Gold has been around 8,000 years and will be around longer than the worthless US Dollar that is not backed by anything besides the word of a few powerful men, and a mislead society to believe in it. This is how The Bankers Control Your Money and Even Wall Street: Fractional banking or fractional lending is the ability to create money from ( http://www.tysknews.com/Depts/Taxes/fed_banking_fraud.htm ) nothing." The key is finding the suppressed information ( http://www.mega.nu/ampp/ ) the government does not want you to know about and Political Scandals ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_scandals_of_the_United_States ).
Israeli Spying: The Mother of all Scandals
( http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/motherofallscandals.html )
The Solution:
The key is to be Active and demand a change, get educated as much as possible and to spread awareness, teach your children what it means to be a real American and how the system works and to be active and not passive in their lives as an American.
A child miseducated is a child lost.
John F. Kennedy
Demand lower taxes, better paying jobs and stop exporting all of our jobs overseas selling America out to the highest bidder. Encourage a trusted friend, family member or even yourself to run for an elected office, America needs honest people not crooks in order to make freedom a reality instead of an illusion. We must get corruption out in all levels of government from Local to Federal. Demand the special interest and lobbyist groups be removed with their money and influence from Washington. The 2004 presidential campaign was the first $1 billion-plus campaign ( http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6407226/site/newsweek/ ) (up from roughly $600 million in 2000). Now ask yourself with 1 Billion dollars all the good that could be done with that money for the people. Why do they need to spend so much for a $300,000 a year job? It is the kickbacks and corruption from the Bankers to cause wars so they can finance them and profit and in return they make Billions or Trillions more. Its truly an American tragedy what everything has come too. The only hope is You! Every American, We Must Kill the Banks and restore power to the people of this great nation. Bring our troops how and have Bush put on trial for war crimes against humanity, fraud and terrorist acts on the American People with his role in 9/11. We are the largest consuming society and vastly becoming the least educated. This is the way they want it, that is why the education system has not changed since the Industrial revolution. So teach your children have them teach other children. Inform your family, neighbors and friends. Hell if you have to take a stand as an American and get a permit in front of a Local Government Building or the Federal Reserve and protest, or have they done their job so well to kill the hearts and minds of every American in this country? Are you and your family just a worthless lab rat to the Banks and Politicians? Have some heart and some American Pride and get on your feet soldier and take charge and do it today, right now. Freedom is never free and will be gone very fast especially if the Republicans regain control of the house in November. Bush has been quoted saying: I will not stop this war for nothing even if only my wife and my dog support me Do you understand we are seriously on the verge of WWIII here and a draft will take place to take your children into a worthless war only to be fought for money, its already currently underway. Bush must be impeached and stopped immediately to protect American values and the children of the future! The ball is in your court I am taking action now, that is why youre reading this message. Do you have the ability to do so as well? How much do you love your family and friends? How much do you love this Nation? Do you want your children to have a better future than you and to be proud when they stand up with their back straight and put their hand over their heart and sing the Star Spangled Banner ( http://americanhistory.si.edu/ssb/2_home/fs2.html ) or The Pledge of Allegiance ( http://history.vineyard.net/pledge.htm )?
Take the responsibility and call your politicians you voted for and demand a change today! Let Old Glory Fly With Pride before we become the United Corporation Of America owned by the bankers who own the corporations and the stock markets and your home right now. Call your Congressman or Congresswoman ( http://clerk.house.gov/members/mcapdir.html ) and even your Senator ( http://www.senate.gov/senators/index.cfm ) and Governor ( http://www.statelocalgov.net/ ) and tell them how you feel now! What is the price of a phone call? Is it worth the price to protect your freedom and not wake up on the street homeless and have your home foreclosed on by the bankers ( http://www.bizjournals.com/losangeles/stories/2006/10/09/daily24.html?from_rss=1 )?
With A Monetary Reform Act We Could Pay The National Deficit in 5 years ( http://www.monetary.org/need_for_monetary_reform.html ) and Taxes would actually be lower for once in history. Americans would not have to work until we are 70 or 80 and be able to retire securely instead of with nothing and no benefits. President Lincoln had the correct idea along time ago with the Green Back Currency ( http://www.lewrockwell.com/dilorenzo/dilorenzo30.html ) , we would print and be in control of our own money and would not have to pay massive interest rates to the Federal Reserve which is controlled by the European Central Banks today. And it would not be a Note by the Private Federal Reserve ( http://www.monetary.org/federalreserveprivate.htm ) it would be a functioning currency with no interest since we own our own money. Also to have every Branch of the Federal Government audited just like they do tax payers every year. This alone would kill our national debt ( http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/ ) and remove worthless spending and set your family and every family in America free from the Banks. Imagine a country with no hungry children going to sleep at night or even homeless families and every American would have healthcare and we would not fight worthless wars and be able to retire securely. Do you ever think why half of the world is starving and the other half is obese? This central banks control 80% of the world economy this problem goes far beyond America but at least we can get the Banker Terrorists out of here. It sounds so easy why wont they do it? Its really this easy and could happen without no disruption to society. Also in the Reform Act do not let them back the new currency with gold again because the US has No Gold reserves anymore! All the gold confiscated in 1932 has been sold back to the European Banks that is why there has never been an audit on it, because it is no longer here. That is right Fort Knox is empty, it is only a myth now! So when they issue a new currency like Green Backs, were taking the power away from the banks. If the new currency was not backed by gold the people would have the power, not the banks or financial institutions. And We The People Would Make President Lincoln and Jackson very proud and we can say We Killed The Banks like Jackson did for almost 75 years. And our forefathers would stop rolling in there grave and finally smile for once.
Take a minute and think how you felt on 9/11 the Pride and the Spirit and the sorrow for all of the innocent people killed. Think of the relatives and loved ones who are or was in the military and even died throughout history. They put their life on the line so we can enjoy our freedom and they do it with pride without hesitation. Now is it fair to have a corrupt government and banking system using the people of a great nation to fight there money wars and have our children and relatives die for them to gain more money? While the grieving families and children of our fallen suffer and are the victims of deception by our own Government and the Federal Reserve? How does it make you feel? Think of all the wars we have fought over the past 100 years and all the men laying on the battle field dead and coming home in body bags. It makes you want to put every corrupt politician and banker in one as well. Our guardian has not protected us for 100 years now we have only been slaves, its time to Unite As One, And Take A God Damn Stand. Then we can put on the new Green Back (new dollar bill with no debt attached to it) We Took A Stand As One instead of Federal Reserve Note which is only a debt to the Private Banks Anyways. The Federal Reserve, which is owned by the International Monetary Fund IMF ( http://www.imf.org ) and has branches such as Bank for International Settlements (BIS) ( http://www.bis.org ) and several others, these are the people that control All of the worlds money, gold and give telephone orders to the Federal Reserve. Theyre also know as the International Bankers Cartel ( http://www.savethemales.ca/260602.html ) now you know "Who Runs America" ( http://www.barefootsworld.net/usfraud.html ) and enslaves the enite world to it's command. The IMF tries to strike back with slick talking lobbyist group ( http://www.sunsonline.org/trade/process/followup/1999/09200499.htm ). Senator Richard Lugar, Says $100 Billion Has Been Lost To The World Bank which is part of the IMF ( http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/scandals/centralbanks.html )! And many other World Wide Financial Scandals ( http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/scandals/ ).
Now that you have the truth, what are you going to do about it?
Pickup your phone and start calling, and do your duty, and give
justice to all the great men and women who have died for
this country thoughout history!
So pick up your phone and Call your Congressman or Congresswoman ( http://clerk.house.gov/members/mcapdir.html ) even your Senator ( http://www.senate.gov/senators/index.cfm ) and Governor ( http://www.statelocalgov.net/ ) and tell them ALL how you feel now and demand to Impeach Bush, Bring Our Troops Home Immediately and A New Monetary Reform Bill Be Drafted Immediately! We are all Americans, and if you dont use your Rights now, you and your children may have No Rights 10 Years from now.
Voting for a Republic or a Democrat is like a chicken voting for KFC. You must Vote Democrats and get the Republicans out of Congress in November! Otherwise, we will have WWIII by Jan or Feb of 2007. Think about it, why has gas gone done in the past weeks? Because it is another deceptive scheme to make it look like Bush is working hard so you will vote for the Republicans again, dont fall for this scam again enough is enough. George and Dick have to both be impeached effective immediately.
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Impeach George W. Bush ( http://www.impeachbush.tv/action.html ), Dick Cheney ( http://www.impeachbush.tv/faq.html#cheney ), Lobbyist Groups ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4581298.stm ) , and Special Interest Groups ( http://www.consumerfed.org/ ) and The Federal Reserve along with Wall Street. 38 US Reps Support Impeach Bush ( http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=39&contentid=3906 ) Resolution. Contact This Group To Support The Impeachment ( http://www.impeachbush.tv/contact.html ). Look at these Presidential Quotes. ( http://www.themoneymasters.com/presiden.htm )Also if you know of any Corporate or Political Corruption, use this Tip Line and Expose The Truth ( http://www.citizensforethics.org/contact/tipline.php ). Latest Washington Corruption ( http://www.citizensforethics.org/activities/index.php ) . And to find the best Watch Dog Groups including http://www.porkbusters.org search on Yahoo or Google for (Your State) or Washington Watch Dog Groups. To see whats really happening in Washington everyday, check out http://thehill.com and even post a blog on how you feel. And the biggest thing you can do is Register To Vote and Vote all of these crooks out of office ( http://www.rockthevote.com/rtv_register.php?ms=RTV_index ) . Even if you never voted in your life register to do so now and make sure the Republicans do not retain congress after November because if they do be ready for WWIII and kiss your children goodbye. But remember public enemy number one is The Federal Reserve, it would be nice to protest the Federal Reserve Systems at all there locations ( http://www.federalreservebanks.org ) and the World Banks which give the orders.
You can take this message and forward it to everyone you know or even have contact with, IM all your buddies, post it on all the Blogs ( http://www.blogger.com ) you can or even do a Press Release ( http://www.prnews.com ) with it. Even call your local TV or Radio Station and make people aware demand it be exposed! Exposure is the only way to demand the truth and remove the corruption in politics and banking systems of the United States of America and the World. Do it today because as youre reading this message there is a 18 or 19 year old kid being put in a body bag to go home to his / her family today. So do it for the soldiers standing and may god bless the fallen and their loved ones. And may the corrupt politicians and bankers burn in hell for all the tragedy and hardships they have put on the American people and the World over the past 100 years.
The path we have chosen for the present is full of hazards, as all paths are. The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.
John F. Kennedy
( http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/john_f_kennedy.html )
U.S. Navy
Retired Rear Admiral
S. Richardson
P.S. If you're a skeptic or do not believe this could be true, take what you have here and do your own research. Then you will be a believer. Remember what you see on T.V. or read in the paper is only a fraction of the truth. Use more credible sources such as "The Best" Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk then BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk Washington Globe: http://www.washingtonglobe.com World News: http://www.wn.com and not rely on falsified television news and print media ( http://www.editorsweblog.org/print_newspapers/2005/06/us_media_frowns_on_anonymous_sources.php ) . It is a big world and the truth is out there and this is only the beginning.
Watch The Documented Truth On 9/11(1 Hour 40 Min - Live Video Stream)
The death toll in Iraq following the US-led invasion has topped 655,000
(Forward This To Your Friends And Post It To Newsgroups And Blogs To Expose The Truth)
Peco leyubavep migevepi nirorumi ru wiletopemap guceroni .
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